Welcome to Chicagoland Gam-Anon.
Does your spouse, child, or loved one
have a gambling problem?
Chicagoland & suburbs voicemail hotline:
Leave a message and you will be contacted shortly.
In person meeting:
Wednesdays at 7:30PM
Kingswood United Methodist Church
600 Deerfield Road Deerfield, IL 60015
Directions - Map
Park in the lot on the corner of Rosemary Terrace and Deerfield Road. Use entrance on Rosemary Terrace. The meeting is on the main floor.
GA meets at the same time in the church basement.
ZOOM meeting every Wednesday.
ZOOM meeting
Wednesdays at 7PM
Meeting ID: 347 166 4901
Password: 384234
Here are some questions to help you determine if you are you living with a compulsive gambler.
Please read a letter from a compulsive gambler to his/her family to gain some insight into compulsive gamblers.
What is Gam-Anon?
Gam-Anon is a fellowship of men and women who are husbands, wives, parents, relatives and close friends of compulsive gamblers. You need not wait for the compulsive gambler to seek help before you come to Gam-Anon. In Gam-Anon we learn effective ways of coping with the gambling problem. By seeking help for ourselves and gaining serenity and peace of mind, we find that we are better able to cope with our problems on a day-to-day basis and in some cases motivate the gambler toward seeking for him/herself.
We are a fellowship of men and women who have been affected by the gambling problem. If you are seeking a solution for living with this problem, we would like you to feel that we understand, as perhaps few can. We, too are familiar with worry and sleepless nights and promises made only to be broken. Our thinking had become confused and many of us had become nervous, irritable, bitter and unreasonable.
We come into the group feeling alone, frightened, desperate, and ashamed. We hesitate to share our problems and failures, fearing no one could understand. The Gam-Anon group is warmly accepting and it offers the new member identification. The message we receive is: Come join with us, we too were alone, afraid and unable to cope with the problem; we will share with you a new and fulfilling way of life.
Do you have a gambling problem?
Call 1-888-548-2790 or visit the Gamblers Anonymous web site at www.gachicago.org